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Note from new owners

Hooray for Kidsignments!  I am thrilled to share this opportunity with my 2 daughters, Emily and Hannah.  For us, Kidsignments all started when my daughter Emily began consigning to help raise funds to adopt their son from Guatemala.  Since Juan Pablo’s arrival home our hearts have been changed forever.  For myself, I’ve been consigning to support my mission work in Uganda.  We have agreed that as we take over the helm of Kidsignments, we will continue supporting Uganda and hope to start a missions scholarship.  My daughters are full of wonderful ideas that we hope will benefit the consignors and really make CJ proud!  We can’t wait to work with you at the next Kidsignments sale, which will be September 19th & 20th at the Grant County Fairgrounds.  Be sure to mark your calendar!  Happy Consigning!

McAbee family
Kim, Hannah, and Emily


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